Over the next several weeks/months we will be releasing in-depth industry outlook guides in order to provide additional value to our audience.
Yes, there are many industry outlooks out there already, most of them created by highly funded teams and experts with lots of resources to leverage. However, because of that, their focus typically remains at a very high and unapproachable level as they try to be relevant to too broad a target audience. Besides, we will be aggregating many of the most well known reports and curating them to extract the insightful, thought-provoking, and most importantly, call-to-action oriented data and trends that help move the needle in your business.
Whether you’re currently working in these industries, are service provides to clients in the space, or simply strive to remain knowledgeable about what lies ahead in the macro-economic environment, we are committed to making sure they provide tremendous value.
The initial roll out will include the following industries:
Commercial Real Estate
Accounting & Finance
Each will also include a localized angel from our various locations, including Charlotte, Miami, and Southern California.
As we begin to launch this initiative what would you like to see in such an industry outlook? What would be most relevant to you?
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